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Get Into Your Zone

27 Mar

I think it’s funny  when someone says, ” I just can’t get into working out.”  Well thats the problem. You should not find your regimen as a work out. The key to getting into an activity is make it your own. The goal is to find something you find fun. Yes, I said Fun.

If you like to dance sign up for a dance class like Zumba or Salsa Classes. If you like to swim then swim away. If you have a gym membership you can’t escape, turn it each workout into a jam session. Bring a mp3 player loaded  with all the songs that ignite you.  Before you know it, you’ll be doing your thing while grooving to your favorite hits. Your workout session will be so much fun and  you’ll enjoyed it. The goal is to zone out and zone into your on world. The music can take your imagination to new world allowing to to find yourself almost at peace. It can even become therapeutic. Try it , trust you will love it.

Remember you are working out to keep you healthy and no one else. So, find an activity that will not only make you sweat but keep you interested.


Ahh The Joys of Sweating

21 Mar


As a spinning instructor, I often come across the same question. ” Do I have to sweat so much?”

I always respond, “yes, it is evidence of your hard work.” That alone was not going to be enough to convince my clients, so I started researching and found an interesting facts on the sweating.

Here they are:

Sweating Helps Build Clearer Skin

Toxins build in your pores that need to be released. Sweating releases the toxins allowing the skin to remain clear. If you suffer from acne , it may help to know that  sweating will not make your condition worse. In fact a may help decrease the outbreaks due to the release of toxins through the sweat. It is very important to take proper care of your skin before and after a workout.

Sweating is Therapeutic 

Sweating helps lower your body temperature. According to, Your body heats up to burn calories and keep your energy levels high. At the same time, your body starts to release sweat through your skin to help keep it from getting too hot. You need to stay hydrated if you exercise for this very reason. Without an adequate supply of water, your body cannot sweat and your internal temperature will be too high for you to workout normally. If you do not sweat enough, you can also suffer from heat stroke or heat exhaustion. If that is not enough to make you want to sweat , your bonkers.

The Added Bonus 

If you have ever been sick with the flu, you probably caught a really bad fever. What was the best  trick to get rid of that fever?

Thats right sweat it out. The minute you began to sweat the fever fades as well.  Huh. Sweating helps remove sickness.

Now there are down sides to sweating like it leaving your clothes musty, or being drenched from head to toe. Those things are temporary. Being fit and toxin free is all worth the musk. Hell, just wash your clothes , easy fix.
